Kids Cow Cutest Zoo Buds Cup


Kids Cow Cutest Zoo Buds Cup

Kids Cow Cutest Zoo Buds Cup

Porcelain most excellent quality kids bowl from the Da Vince collection!

This is one of the absolute cutest cups moo will EVER see!

Kids LOVE them and moo will, too!

About enough fora small portion of cereal r udder delicious treat!

Little cow SMILES brim to brim and the cuter than adorable legs hold the bowl steady.

Moo will lOVE this

HANDD WASH ONLY ( moo do not want to ruin it, do moo?_

IQ570 About 5 inches round Price WOW 4.95

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Kids Cow Cutest Zoo Buds CupKids Cow Cutest Zoo Buds Cup
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