Cow Bobble Soccer Figurine and Ornament


Cow Bobble Soccer Figurine and Ornament

Cow Bobble Soccer Figurine and Ornament

Calling all Soccer Moms and Dads and Kids!

Cow cool is this?

It is a figurine to sit on your desk and at Xmas to hang on the tree

This is just a wonderful figt for anyone who loves soccer!

If you enjoy kicking the grass from one end of the pasture to the udder – this is for moo

This very cool gift is also ‘somewhat bright and shiny.’

Maybe it is just the sun reflectin off the white ball but ti has a cool look to it!

Cow cute

BGAF150 Price 3.95


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Cow Bobble Soccer Figurine and OrnamentCow Bobble Soccer Figurine and Ornament
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