Holstein Cow Shelf Sitter


Holstein Cow Shelf Sitter

Two fer one!

Cow Christmas Ornament


For the rest of the year

Cow Shelf Sitter

Holstein Cow Shelf Sitter

Nice Quality Cow Shelf Sitter Wooden Ornament

Shelf sitters are ‘cool.’

Their feet dangle and they create interesting movements.

This shelf sitter is also a Christmas Ornament!

It has a string ) so it may be used 24/7/365.

Heck nowadays this is a good idea… sort of a ‘2-4-1’ ornament and shelf sitter !

Kids like to watch ’em mooo-ve, too !

GF920 approx 10″ long Wooden Price 4.95


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Holstein Cow Shelf SitterHolstein Cow Shelf Sitter
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